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Post secondary education

Post secondary education (Higher Institution in Canada)

Post-secondary educations in Canada are available in both Governments supported and private Institutions, which offer Degrees, Masters, Diplomas, Certificates, and attestations which depends on the nature of the Institution and the length of the program for which one is interested in. In Canada, the Post-secondary environment has advanced within the past few years, as Universities are no longer the only degree-awarding Institutions in some jurisdictions. A recognized Post Secondary Institution is a private or a public institution that has been given full authority to award degrees, diplomas, and other credentials by a public or private act of the provincial or territorial legislature or through a Government-mandated quality assurance mechanism. Degree-granting Institutions in Canada focus on teaching and research. In 2004–05, Canadian Universities performed $8.9 billion worth of research and development, close to 35 percent of the national total.
In Canada, degrees are obtainable at three consecutive levels:
  • Students enter at the bachelor's level after having completed the Secondary School or the two-year cégep program in Quebec successfully. Most Universities also have special entrance requirements and paths for mature students. Bachelor's degrees normally require three or four years of full-time study, depending on the province and whether the program is general or specialized.
  • A master's degree normally requires two years of study after the bachelor's degree in Canadian universities. This also depends on the course of study.
  • For a doctoral degree, three to five years of additional study and research plus a dissertation are the normal requirements.
Please Note: Canadian universities and colleges are very flexible.
  1. If you want to change programs later, usually you can.
  2. If you want to combine two programs, there are hundreds of possibilities like communication studies and computer science or biology and psychology, or business and economics, usually you can.
  3. If you want to get two degrees at the same time, that is possible too!
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