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Study in Canada

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Programs & Guidlines

Guidelines on Applying for a Program In Canadian Institutions

University and College Programs

In Canada, there are more than 11,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered in Universities, as well as professional degree programs and Certificates. Most Institutions provide instruction in either English or French; others offer instruction in both official languages.
In Canada, Colleges and institutes offer a range of vocation-oriented programs in a wide variety of professional and technical fields, including business, health, applied arts, technology, and social services. Some of the Institutions are specialized and provide training in a single field such as fisheries, arts, paramedical technology, and agriculture. Colleges also provide literacy and academic upgrading programs, pre-employment and pre-apprenticeship programs, and the in-class portions of registered apprenticeship programs. Also, many different workshops, short programs, and upgrades for skilled workers and professionals are made available for students.

Guide Lines to Applying for Admission in Canadian Universities

If you want to apply for admission into any Canadian University or College, it is advisable you ask yourself these questions;
a.    Have I made the necessary researches I needed to?
b.    What type of Country is Canada?
c.    Have I selected a course of my choice?
d.    How long is the duration of my course of choice?
e.    What are the necessary steps to obtaining my Visa or study permit?
f.    Where is Canada Located in the world?
g.    What is the climate (weather) condition of the country?
h.    How much do I have in my bank account?
i.    How will I sustain myself when I get there?
j.    What is the type of food they have over there?
k.    What will be the source of my income when I get to Canada?
l.     Can I cope with the standard of education there?
m.   What if I dont get a job when I get there, will I still be able to sustain myself?
n.    What is the cost of living there?
o.    Which institution is the best I can afford?
p.    What do I think will be my major challenge when I get there?
If you have answers to the above questions, then you are likely to be on track. Please contact us  for more information because we are here to guide you through the whole process. Contact Us here

How to be Licensed as an RN in Canada

To be licensed as an RN in British Columbia, IENs must begin the nursing registration process with the CRNBC (College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia) and apply with the required documents and credentials for evaluation. Please note that it may take up to 2 months or more before you get a response from the CRNBC.
Most provinces in Canada will not accept your application until after you have achieved all of their requirements, including English. Once you have achieved all of the provincial regulatory body's English & registration requirements, you should apply ASAP to that regulatory body.
After assessing your application, if the CRNBC deems that you have met the requirements, they will grant you eligibility to take the SEC (Substantially Equivalent Competency) Assessment, advise you how long your assessment will be and ask you to schedule your SEC date.
Please note: It is not necessary to apply for a SEC date right away. In fact, it would be more beneficial to schedule your SEC assessment for a date following the completion of the Canadian Nursing Review component of your program at OMNI College. This will ensure that by the time of your SEC assessment, you will have reviewed the competencies required to practice as a Nurse in Canada.

what is SEC Accessment?

The SEC is not a test with a pass or fail result. It is an assessment of your professional nursing knowledge, skills, values, judgement & critical thinking; & the ability to apply these safely, competently & ethically under Canadian standards. It will be at least 2 days and up to 5 days in duration, depending on your experience and education.
Depending on how well the IEN does on the SEC it will determine how many and what kind of further requirements or training they will have to fulfill before they are deemed work-safe for the Canadian workforce and be eligible to write the CRNE.

What if you do poorly on the SEC?

Doing poorly on the SEC may result in having to complete a 1 year refresher program at a local public university, or perhaps even complete a 4 year BScN.

What if I do well on the Sec?

Doing really well on the SEC may result in only having to complete a short (as little as 1 day) orientation class on Nursing in Canada, or no requirements at all. THE CRNE (Canadian Registered Nurse Exam) The CRNE is pass or fail, and it can only be taken up to 3 times. An IEN can apply for a test date for the CRNE when they have completed the SEC assessment and its resulting requirements. The dates for the CRNE are already set in advance (the 1st Wednesday of February, June and October of every year) and must be applied for at least 2 months in advance of the date perferred. As of January 2015, the CRNE will be replaced by the Canadian NCLEX-RN exam.

Work in Canada after Graduation

Work in Canada after Graduation

Working in Canada after Graduation:

If you want to work after completing your studies in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit. The following programs can help facilitate this process for eligible candidates:
The Post-Graduate Work Program
This is the program that allows international students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution (University or College) to gain valuable Canadian work experience through a special work permit issued for the length of the study program, up to 3 years.
You will be Eligible if you:
  • Studied full time in Canada.
  • Graduated from a public post-secondary institution, a private post-secondary institution, or a private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees.
  • Studied in a program that was at least 8 months long.
  • Applied for the work permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation that you have completed your academic program.
  • Have received notification that you are eligible to obtain your degree, diploma or certificate.
  • Have a valid study permit when you apply.
The Canadian Experience Class
This program allows international students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution (University or College) to apply to permanently stay in Canada. In order to qualify, you must already be familiar with Canadian society, be able to communicate in English or French, have qualifying work experience, and also be able to contribute to the Canadian economy.
You will be eligible if you:
  • Plan to live outside of the province of Quebec.
  • Graduated from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least 1 year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada.
  • Gained work experience in Canada with the proper work or study authorization.
  • Submitted your application while working in Canada - or - within 1 year of leaving your job in Canada.
  • Have completed an independent language assessment (from an agency designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada).
Please go to the CIC website, which is www.cic.gc.ca for information regarding immigration programmes or to access immigration application forms.

Institutions Count in Canada

Canada has about 163 recognized (well known)public and private Universities (including theological Schools) and 183 recognized public Colleges and institutes, including those granting applied and bachelor's degrees.  In addition to the recognized Institutions, there are 68 Universities-level Institutions and 51 college-level ones operating as authorized Institutions, in which only selected programs are approved under provincially established quality assurance programs. For more information, contact us.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Study in Canada Requirements

Though admission process and requirements vary from institution to institution in Canada, we will give you information about the most general procedures and requirements to get admission into Canadian Universities and Colleges. For information on Undergraduate requirements, click here For Information on Graduate requirements, click here or contact us.

Education System in Canada

Education in Canada is generally divided into primary education, followed by secondary education and post-secondary. It encompasses both publicly-funded and private schools, including: community colleges/ technical institutes, career colleges, language schools, secondary schools,  summer camps, universities and university college. Education is compulsory up to the age of sixteen in every province in Canada, except for Ontario and New Brunswick, where the compulsory age is eighteen.
In general, Canadian children attend kindergarten for one or two years at the age of four or five on a voluntary basis. All children begin Grade One at about six years of age. The school year normally runs from September through the following June but in some instances, January intake dates are possible. Secondary schools go up to Grades 11 or 12, depending on the province. From there, students may attend university, college or Cégep studies. For more information contact us.


Making a decision to study in Canada?:

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